Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Hi, My name is Katie (Hi Katie), and I am a sweetaholic. I have no control over what I eat any more! Before I had Lily I was really good about never eating fast food, and keeping my sugar intake down to really just ice cream (low fat of course). But it seems now I've decided to throw that all out the window and eat whatever I want, and I have sure paid the price. I'm 20 LBS over what I was before lily, meaning now I am about 40 LBS over my desired weight. I'm so over filling myself up with this food that is crap to my body. So i'm starting this blog over and it's going to be called Operation Skinny. This is all about my journey on how I learn how to think and act on getting to my desired weight.

So today it begins, I'm not really sure how I am going to do this but I know for starters I am cutting out all sweets (minus some fro-yo here and there ;)) and no absolutely no more junk!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

More Madness....

Just a little sneak peak to some of Lily's Birthday decorations :)
I worked long and hard tonight! I worked on lily's invitations for about an hour and then did a banner which is what the picture is for, I worked on that for about an hour to an hour and a half. Once I get it together i'll post a picture! :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

And the madness begins....

Lily's Birthday is in less than two months, so it is obviously crunch time! I have started a few projects that I am obsolutely crazy about. The theme is going to be Minnie Mouse, but a glam Minnie Mouse! The colors will be black (obviously), hot pink and zebra! I've already found a few blogs with this theme and obsolutely love the concept! So my first goal is to get the invitations done by the end of next week! Here is a picutre of her invitations so far, the only changes that will happen is that there will be writing and design on the white part and the bow will be in the middle!
This was all cut by the Cricut and it did take awhile to figure out measurments, but actually making the invitation itself probably took around 3 minutes at the most once I got everything the way I wanted it. I'm absolutely in love with the cricut, it is so much fun to be able to design everything the EXACT way you want it. And to make matters even better, it is so simple to use. You load your paper, pick your design and BAM there you have it. Exactly what you wanted. The only thing thats hard to do is picking the size, because what you have in your head isn't what the computer prints out so it may take awhile to get use to, but I am on my way! Next blog will be about the decorations!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So I decided to bust out my Cricut at 1030 tonight and it is now 1230 and I made 4 Valentines day cards...Not too shabby for only using it 2 times! It's easy and hard at the same time....Loading the paper and having the cricut cut all the shapes and words is the easy part, it's the part of taking it off the sticky pad and glueing it onto something else that is difficult. Oh and also centering the objects, I need to learn how to do that cause I'm not too good at it. And all you OCD people (Amanda) would get annoyed haha

I'm having so much fun with this cricut! Two hours have flown by and it feels like it was 10 minutes! I really am inspired to start doing more card type things. Such as thank you cards, invitations, get well soon cards, anything that involves a card I'm going to make it! Hopefully I can get an Etsy shop going with this and make me some mooolah.

Any suggestions on what to do next? Love to hear some feed back!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Becoming Accomplished

As January 1st came around and I started to think about what I really wanted to change this year, lots and lots of goals came to mind. And the thing is, I've set these goals so many times and have failed every year. Well my number one goal is to not fail! I'm finally ready to make those changes in my life and so far so good.

#1 goal: Love God. Love People. Be slow to anger and abounding with love.

#2 goal: ORGANIZATION. If anyone knows me, they know that I am not organized. But last week I set my mind to it and spring cleaned by room, built shelving units( All on my own thank you very much!), decorated and made my room mine! Now the real test is to keep it clean and organized!

#3 goal: Self Control. Learn to say no to certain things (a.k.a. bad food), going to the gym and keep going to the gym on days even when I dont feel like going. (3 days in a row so far!)

#4 goal: Set a career path and stick to it! My goal for this seems to always change but I'm convinced I'm going to get my real estate license and then go to cosmetology school by this coming June.

#5 goal: Being Creative. I am a very creative person and I need an outlet for it! I have a sewing machine now and also a Cricut (a machine that cuts paper into magical things!)...so let the creativity fall from my brain into those machines and let me make some magic! My goal is to make all of lily's decorations for her birthday and IF I have time to make a dress or Tutu of some sort for her birthday!

Psalm 103:1-4
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits; Who pardons all your iniquities, who heals are you diseases; who redeems your life from the pit. Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;"

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This is my first blog of the year! I am very excited to start blogging! Hopefully I can set some goals and stick to them! My mom and I are trying to start a company full of creativity and yummy food! So please join us on our adventure of finding out new ways to create and cook!

I just recently bought the Cricut Expression and the Gypsy to go along with it! I am so very excited for this because this will allow me to start making invitations, thank you cards, christmas cards, party decorations, it really is limitless! Finally I have a creative outlet! YAY!
My first goal is going to be my daughter Lily's birthday! I am planning on doing a Minnie Mouse/Cupcake theme! I have some great ideas it's just a matter of getting them done! :) well Lily is calling for me! Until next time!